Tsipras in Edessa: Greek society is suffering as a result of the government's policy - iefimerida.gr

Tsipras in Edessa: Greek society is suffering as a result of the government's policy

O Αλέξης Τσίπρας με κατοίκους στη Πέλλα
Με τους αγρότες στη Πέλλα συνομίλησε ο Αλέξης Τσίπρας / Φωτογραφία: ANDREA BONETTI, ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, EUROKINISSI,

"The citizens are suffering, democracy is being undermined and, at the same time, the Prime Minister is hiding from parliament, does not appear to give answers but prefers to go to protected party-friendly audiences and hurl insults, speak divisively and make wisecracks," stated main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras while touring the market in the town of Edessa on Wednesday.

Tsipras, who is visiting the region of Pella, said that his party will insist on standing by the citizens by giving solutions to their problems, realistic solutions. "We will stand by the vulnerable and we will do whatever is possible to speed up the prospect of the popular verdict, to bring political change and a progressive governnance closer," he said.

The main opposition leader underlined that "in every part of the country, Greek society is suffering from the dramatic consequences of the government's policy in energy, wages, purchasing power and in the protection of primary residences".

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