Εν αναμονή της ετυμηγορίας για την υπόθεση των Pussy Riot

Ένταση μεταξύ διαδηλωτών και αστυνομίας σημειώθηκε έξω από το δικαστήριο όπου εκδικάζεται η υπόθεση του φεμινιστικού πανκ συγκροτήματος Pussy Riot.

Ακολουθεί μία σειρά tweets από τον συνεργάτη της εφημερίδας Guardian, Ilya Mouzykantskii, ο οποίος βρίσκεται έξω από το δικαστικό μέγαρο.

Ανάμεσα στις αναφορές και μία που αφορά στη σύλληψη του πρώην πρωταθλητή στο σκάκι και νυν ακτιβιστή Κασπάροφ.

Ακολουθούν ορισμένα από τα tweets του συνεργάτη της Guardian κατά τη διάρκεια των δίκης και των επεισοδίων:


In summing the defence case, the judge has said this in the last few minutes:

It was a small act but maybe not a very elegant act but they consider that it is the country which is sick. For them, individuals are not important, they consider that education in Russia is still in the Soviet mould. And that there is still cruelty in the country and that prison is a miniature of Russia itself.


The judge is still delivering her judgment and is currently summing up the defence's case so hasn't yet come to her conclusions. A few quotes to follow.


The verdict is still being delivered.


BREAKING: Pussy Riot have been found guilty. More to follow.


Tensions between protestors and police outside of the courthouse have just been ramped up it appears. Here are a series of tweets from New York Times reporting intern, and Guardian contributor Ilya Mouzykantskii who is currently outside the court. He has also tweeted that (Gary) Kasparov - the former chess champion turned political activist - has also been arrested. This is yet to be confirmed fully.

Ilya Mouzykantskii@ilyamuz

Very loud chants of "Freedom to Political Prisoners" outside courthouse cordon

Ilya Mouzykantskii@ilyamuz

Context - this is the biggest unsanctioned protest under new draconian laws. Protestors face huge fines

Ilya Mouzykantskii@ilyamuz

Overheard from police: they're gonna start pushing (crushing, essntly) ppl away from the cordon

Ilya Mouzykantskii@ilyamuz

Kasparov arrested, bundled into wagon

Ilya Mouzykantskii@ilyamuz

100 OMON arresting people now. People resisting