ANEL MPs side with 'YES'

The Syriza-Anel coalition, which together had a comfortable majority in parliament, is now crumbling as a succession of deputies from Anel have backed the 'Yes' vote.

Four MPs of Greece's junior coalition partner Anel (Independent Greeks), a right-wing anti-austerity party led by Panos Kammenos, announced that they will vote for 'Yes' in Sunday's referendum.
Cretan deputy Costas Damavolitis warned Greeks of the consequences of voting no in the referendum. In an interview with a local radio station Damavolitis warned to voters that a 'No' vote would mean exit from the single currency and the return of the drachma.
“I will vote 'Yes' and I ask for Greek people to do the same” Damavolitis said.
Anel MP Vassilis Kokkalis was adamant that he will vote for 'Yes' in Sunday’s referendum. In an interview with private ANT1 TV Kokkalis stressed that a rejection will bring no better offer and could have disastrous economic consequences adamant that he will vote for 'Yes' in Sunday’s referendum.
Anel MP Dimitris Kammenos asked the Government to withdraw the referendum while yet another Anel MP, Nikos Mavraganis, expressed his doubts about the legitimacy of Sunday’s referendum