PM Mitsotakis receives UAE minister for industry and advanced technology -

PM Mitsotakis receives UAE minister for industry and advanced technology

Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης-υπουργός Βιομηχανίας Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων
Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης-υπουργός Βιομηχανίας Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Friday received visiting United Arab Emirates (UAE) Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber. According to government sources, the meeting focused on enhancing the Greece-UAE strategic relationship with mutually beneficial collaboration at all levels, with special emphasis on renewable energy sources, where Greece has a leading role.

In addition, a binding agreement for the financing and implementation of a project to convert the Saronic Gulf island of Poros into a 'GR-eco Island' was signed in the presence of the prime minister, between the Greek government as represented by the environment and energy ministry, on the one hand, and MASDAR, as had been announced during the COP28 Climate Change Conference in Dubai last December.

The two sides also signed a second renewal of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Hellenic Development Bank and the UAE investment fund Mubadala Investment Company, for the joint undertaking of investments.

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