Man, 49, arrested for writing anti-war slogans on the wall of the Russian consulate -

Man, 49, arrested for writing anti-war slogans on the wall of the Russian consulate

Σύλληψη δύο αστυνομικών
Περιπολικό της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας / EUROKINISSI

A 49-year-old man was on Friday indicted on charges of vandalism, after he was caught writing slogans opposing the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the wall of the Russian consulate in Thessaloniki.

According to sources, the man is a French citizen of Ukrainian origin, who was spotted spraying the wall by a consulate guard at 3:30 on Friday morning and arrested on the spot.

He is accused of spraying three messages in black paint and will be led before a Three-Member Misdemeanours Court.

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