Giorgos Gerapetritis: Growth for all the major wager of the future -

Giorgos Gerapetritis: Growth for all the major wager of the future

State Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis, Photograph: Vasilis Rempapis / EUROKINISSI

Giorgos Gerapetritis, in an article on Monday in the newspaper 'Ta Nea', spoke of the priorities of the government's work on issues regarding the economy and society .

Referring to the economy, he said that the governent will continue to support vulnerable citizens as much as possible but noted that its resources were obviously finite. "What is needed is strong investment growth with the implementation of major projects," he added. Regarding society, he said that horizontal actions which aim to reinforce social cohesion are underway or are about to be activated soon.

Consequently, he added, "growth for all is the wager of the future, so that the social inequalities which demand combined public policies and long-term planning can be tackled at their root. It is important for international economic players, such as Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Deloitte and Pfizer, to trust Greece. The government will continue with consistency to face this major challenge head on and listen to the citizens with humility and a willingness for creative self-criticism."

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