Dendias reaffirms excellent relations with Dutch counterpart Hoekstra at The Hague -

Dendias reaffirms excellent relations with Dutch counterpart Hoekstra at The Hague

Νίκος Δένδιας Ολλανδός ΥΠΕΞ
Ο Νίκος Δένδιας με τον Ολλανδό ομόλογό του / Φωτογραφία: Twitter

The excellent Greece-Holland relations were reaffirmed during a meeting of Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias with his counterpart of the Netherlands Wopke Hoekstra, held at The Hague on Thursday.

Focusing on bilateral relations, Dendias pointed out that the Netherlands is an important country with a strong GDP, and will have greater influence on security and economic issues within the European family, especially following Brexit. As Greek diplomatic sources noted separately, Holland is the biggest investor in Greece.

After the meeting, the Greek minister told reporters that they discussed issues the Ukraine war, Western Balkans, and issues concerning the Eastern Mediterranean and Libya.

In Holland, Dendias also met with International Criminal Court (ICC) President Piotr Hofmanski, as well as with ICC's alternate prosecutors Mame Mandiaye Niang and Nazhat Shameem Khan. Greece, together with other European countries, have submitted a letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) concerning war crimes in Ukraine, with Greece underlining its special interest in Mariupol, where a large Greek ethnic community is based.

Additionally, the Greek minister was scheduled to meet with Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Director General Fernando Arias, International Court of Justice (ICJ) President Joan Donoghue and ICJ Secretary Philippe Gautier.

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