Climber that fell in gorge on Mt Olympus recovered unconscious by helicopter -

Climber that fell in gorge on Mt Olympus recovered unconscious by helicopter

Χιονισμένος ο Ολυμπος
Χιονισμένος ο Ολυμπος

Α climber that fell in a 400m-deep gorge on Olympus mountain on Sunday (Christmas) was recovered unconscious on Monday.

The Fire Brigade located and recovered the man unconscious with a Greek Airforce Super Puma helicopter and took him to Litohoro heliport where an ambulance collected him and took him to Katerini hospital. In the rescue operation took part members of the Special Units for disasters (EMAK) from Thessaloniki and Larissa, Fire Brigade officers from Litohoro and members of the Greek Rescue Team assisted by a Super Puma helicopter.

The climber went missing and was later found by his friend in a gorge on Mt. Olympus on Sunday. The two climbers had reached Loukiou base of Mytikas at an altitude of 2,700m on Sunday. One of the climbers continued to the top and the other said that he would wait for him to return. However, when he returned he did not find his friend and after searching the area and the refuge "Apostolidis" he called the authorities.

The competent authorities were mobilised and the climber started searching towards a specific area in which many accidents have been recorded. After a long and difficult descent in an area with frozen snow, he located his friend unconscious and notified the authorities.

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