Celestyal Cruises to revoke Covid-19 restrictions for passengers as of March 2023 - iefimerida.gr

Celestyal Cruises to revoke Covid-19 restrictions for passengers as of March 2023

εκκλησακι θαλασσα
Εκκλησάκι στην Αμκοργό, φωτογραφία eurokinissi ΝΙΚΟΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ

Celestyal Cruises will no longer require proof related to Covid-19 before boarding as of March 2023, the Greek-owned company said on Wednesday.

Passengers boarding its cruiseships will not be required to provide a negative test result, a vaccination certificate, or proof of having contracted the disease, they added. All such protocols will be revoked as of March 2, 2023, unless Greek health authorities require otherwise.

At the same time, all Celestyal Cruises crew will still be required to be fully vaccinated, while the company encourages all passengers aged 12 or above to be fully vaccinated. It also advises passengers to test themselves for Covid before boarding any port, for their own safety.

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