Lafazanis: I will not vote for the third memorandum -

Lafazanis: I will not vote for the third memorandum


Energy minister Panagiotis Lafazanis said that he will not vote for the new bailout agreement.

Lafazanis, a hardliner who fiercely opposed new austerity measures, and leader of an extreme left fraction within Syriza known as the Left Platform, has previously called on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to withdraw the bailout agreement before it’s ratified by the parliament on Wednesday.

Speaking to journalists outside the parliament, he said:

“The Greek people did not elect us to vote on a new Memorandum. Syriza voted neither for the first nor for the second memorandum, and we were proven right. I will not vote for the third Memorandum ".

"The country cannot move forward with memorandums. Greece has alternatives".

"The dilemma Memorandum or disaster is scaremongering, its non-existent" he said while he ruled out the possibility of stepping down.

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