Prime Minister Tsipras: Creditors won't accept Greek proposals -

Prime Minister Tsipras: Creditors won't accept Greek proposals


Prime Minister Tsipras is unhappy that Greece's EU-IMF creditors are not accepting some measures.

"This is unprecedented it has happened neither Ireland nor Portugal. Nowhere! This strange attitude has two possible explanations. Either the [creditors] do not want an agreement or they serve specific interests in Greece "the Prime Minister said at a statement just released by the Greek government.

According to sources close to the talks the Greek issue can be excluded from the agenda of Thursday's EU Summit but it will be discussed at the Eurozone's finance ministers meeting due to take place on Wednesday in Brussels.

A European official said on condition of anonymity that there are still major differences between Greece and its creditors on the details of an overhaul of Greece’s value-added taxes, pensions, corporate taxation and debt trimming.

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