Chalkis woken up by 5.3 magnitude earthquake -

Chalkis woken up by 5.3 magnitude earthquake


A magnitude- 5.3 quake struck off the town of Chalkis on the Island of Euboea Tuesday morning at a depth of 13 kilometers.

According to the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens, the earthquake occurred at 4:09 am, with the epicenter located on the marine area 26 kilometers northwest of Chalkis (Halkida).

The earthquake was also reported to have been felt as far away as Attica.

Earlier today at 1:20 am, the seismographs of the National Seismological Network recorded a weak magnitude-4 quake, with the epicenter located on the coastal area 119 kilometers south of Zakros in Crete.

According to Chairman of EPPO Evthymios Lekkas, the active faults in the region can generate quakes up to magnitude-5.5, “today's earthquake was weak, a possible aftershock would not surpass magnitute-4.7” Lekkas said.

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