Vassilis Moidinis: The champion bodybuilder talks about the nightmare of Covid - Two months in ICU, lost 42 kg [video] -

Vassilis Moidinis: The champion bodybuilder talks about the nightmare of Covid - Two months in ICU, lost 42 kg [video]

Βασίλης Μοϊντίνης

Bodybuilding athlete Moidinis reported in failed health on his horrid covid days.

World bodybuilding champion, Vassillis Moidinis was incubated in the ICU ward and lost 42kg of weight. "All should get vaccinated” he was reported saying after his long coronavirus adventure.

The bodybuilding athlete stayed intubated for a period of two months in the ICU. He lost 42 kilos and as for today, he weighs a mere 62kg. Although he was intubated for several months, he said he still suffers moving impairment and breathing difficulties.

"My lungs are not completely with me, that's what the long coronavirus is, according to my pulmonologist" said the athlete interviewed on Antenna Tv. Vassilis Moidinis noted "I did not have time to get vaccinated, as I had to undergo surgery. I got sick on May 27th and had an appointment for the vaccine on June 2nd. We all need to get vaccinated".

“After about two months in the ICU, having to fight through every single one of them” I thought I would go through with it, but after four days at home care long covid symptoms seem to be imposing themselves. I went down to the Sotiria Hospital and was taken straight to the ICU. I was scared, I didn't want to move”.

The bodybuilding athlete Vassilis Moidinis, was interviewed on ANT1:

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